Several European countries to impose new restrictions amid spike in COVID-19 cases

With the continued spike of COVID-19 cases renewed and increased restrictions have been announced in Germany, France, and Switzerland. Having previously enjoyed open-air events during the warm summer months Germany and France will both be imposing lockdown measures. Coming into force from Monday, November 2nd, and Friday, October 30th respectively the two European countries will be effectively closing all non-essential businesses which will sadly include bars, restaurants, and clubs.

This move will likely cast a shadow over the already rescheduled Yoyaku event with Ricardo Villalobos that was due to take place on Saturday, November 7th but that remains to be seen. These announcements follow similar news in Switzerland where all nightclubs have been ordered to close under new regulations. Having enjoyed tentative easing of restrictions and in the process, had been able to throw events such as Caprices Festival or Supermarket summer series in a diluted form these events will now cease until further notice. Restaurants and bars will remain open for the time being but at a reduced capacity.

While large parts of England have looked to get back to business in order to save their ravaged nightlife industry by way of seated socially distanced events the Netherlands has already imposed a partial lockdown scenario. This saw the closure of bars and restaurants as well as the prohibition of alcohol sales in the evening. This period is coming to a close at the moment with more measures coming shortly, but the message is clear and that is the European nightlife industry still has a long way to go in the battle against COVID-19.

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