Two more London venues have been added to the endangered list and are in need of your support

Having already reported on several London institutions that have been badly affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent toll it is taking on electronic music events and the venues that they take place in 2 more locations have joined this growing list. With overheads and staff costs meaning that some venues might never recover from this situation they are turning to the people that have helped them reach the status that they current hold – you the loyal clubbers.

The first of these is Village Underground, having been championed by Fuse London since their shift there from 93 Feet East this mid-sized venue has seen some of the brand’s finest parties to date. In a heartfelt post via their Instagram page, Fuse has implored their fans to dig deep in order to save one of the city’s finest nightspots and more importantly an important cultural hub for all types of live music. If you would like to help you can do so via their CrowdFunder page.


The second venue in need of public support is that of E1, since its opening in 2017 they have risen to become a true driving force in London’s live music community. With the sprawling venue remaining closed since the beginning of lockdown they have managed to acquire a temporary space (Site 5) which is adjacent to EH1 where they have been able to cultivate a socially distancing venue with a view to funding E1 and ultimately safeguarding their staffs’ jobs.

Due to the nature of the venue the license for Site 5 has been contested by 2 parties for reasons unknown to the team behind E1 and as a result, this may mean no Site 5 and in turn lead to E1 being shuttering for good. In order to add weight to their upcoming license hearing they have requested supporters, especially those that are local to the venue to email where they can voice their opinions on why E1 and Site 5 is so important to the area and the live music community.

More info on Village Underground
Facebook | Resident Advisor

More info on E1

More info on Site 5
Facebook | Instagram

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