Trommel.212 – Lizz

Avid followers of Trommel will be very familiar with the works of Petre Ionut Valentin, also known as Lizz, this Romanian is a certified pillar of the minimal community. His solo work and combined efforts alongside long-term sparring partner Cosmjn are steeped in lore and for very good reason. A consistent force in the underground, his discography is an impressive snapshot of the most in-demand imprints in the business with standout releases for the likes of Melodrom, Rawax, Atipic, Playedby, and Dubøka Records. It also goes without saying that Petre remains an ever-present integral part of the Sunrise setup and can always be found igniting the dancefloors at Sunwaves, Electric Castle, 3 Smoked Olives, and the list goes on and on. 

Having been huge admirers of Lizz’s work we are beyond excited to welcome him to our podcast series and for the occasion we have an exclusive cut of his set at Sunrise’s SNRS24 marathon NYE celebration at The Matter in Cluj. Here we find Lizz in blistering form from the first kick drum to the last, but this is no surprise as he is one of the most sought-after artists on the circuit. Seamlessly blending bleepy techno with sublime blissed-out atmospherics, and then back into bubbling grooves Lizz embodies all that is great and good about the second generation of Romanian artists.

More info on Lizz
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