Premiere: A1 – Ocean T – Never Enough [PRZ9NINE]

Ocean T, who should be known for you mainly from the Laconica label (and also maybe from his recent landing on Courtesy Of Balance), this time goes full throttle on Prozpektiva.

A few words from Ocean T himself for the beginning: “This release takes a different direction from my previous work for Courtesy of Balance. Here, I wanted to dive into more of a dancefloor banger energy while still maintaining a sense of depth within the tracks. I drew a lot of inspiration from classic old-school synths like the Roland JV-1080 and Korg Triton, as well as the soundtracks of PS1/2-era games—see if you can spot any references.” Let’s check this one by one now.

“Never Enough” is easily his best work so far. I mention here sometimes the ability of iO (Mulen) to turn the party up just with one track – well, this is the type of track you need to use. A solid percussion from the start, then – some goofy flutes, after that – some ravey stabs, and a little chillout time in the middle just before that huge comeback at the end. 100% banger material. Fun fact from Ocean T also: “The A1 track, Never Enough, almost didn’t make it onto the release! I originally had a different track in mind, but thanks to Norman, A&R at KMA60, who encouraged me to try something new, it came to life. Appreciate the push!”

“K.O.” has that mid-00s vibe in every second of it, the vocoder squeezes everything it can. “OBSSSD” is not going far from it, looking into some dreamy territory though. I think in the 00s era this track would have a nice clip. “Been There Too Long” is the last one, and if you’re familiar with the sound of Ocean T already, you can feel the moments from his early work. It’s a perfect one for the morning set, especially if the sky is grey at that moment.

So, we’re having the best track of Ocean T and one of the biggest releases on Prozpektiva. If you dig that combo – Juno, Deejay or Decks should have got you covered.

More information about Ocean T
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More information about KMA60/Prozpektiva
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