Premiere: A1 – Alexander Skancke – The Wasp Queen [QRK013]

Alexander Skancke earned quite a reputation here already, don’t you think so? Don’t you expect another banger when his name is popping up in our premieres section? Well, you should. Today we’re having another gorgeous piece with a top-100 selection potential. As usual, from his Quirk label.

“The Wasp Queen” is an opener for his next record on Quirk and it sounds intriguing from the start. Tribal percussion, spooky pads, THAT voice and then something adds after the moment you think, you heard everything in this track. It’s a perfect tool – something simple yet catchy, a combination that always delivers.

What’s next? “Typhoon Flutes”. The track, that starts with even better percussion, and, obviously, we have flutes instead of spooky pads. “Brother” is a great 4/4 stomper, again, a combination of drums and vocals is unbelievable. Finally, “New Order Of Black Metal” is taking us into some broken territory and also back for around 30 years. 1995 or something, I would say. Also, I would say, that this is the hardest track on Quirk so far – still could be paired with any other track on Quirk. Isn’t that a beauty?

I think, I shouldn’t give you links for the record stores here, because you, probably, heard about this record already. But in case you didn’t – Deejay will easily have you covered.

More information about Alexander Skancke
InSession.127 | Instagram | Facebook | RA | Soundcloud | Bandcamp | Discogs

More information about Quirk
Instagram | Facebook | RA | SoundcloudDiscogs

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