Premiere: B2 – Swin – Loosing Their Minds [BS-LTD04]

BinarySound is preparing something nice for their limited series again. This time, we’re having a split between a local Hossegorian Disco Stup and Swin, representing the UK. We picked Swin for the main one today.

“Loosing Their Minds” is a moderately slow roller with a lot of nods to the 00s electro-house era. Calm, not very quick, not very energetic, but that bassline… We’re not very far from some fidget-house buzzing with that type of bass, I must say.

Another one by Swin is “Entropy” – another not-so-fast tune that will drive you with some nostalgia from the very first second (literally!). We used to crave tracks like this one on the edge between the 00s and 10s, and it seems that they’re making their strong comeback now.

Disco Stup’s half starts with “Broken Mute Point”, a bit more energetic tune, full of synths and sexy male vocal drops (do not cut the bass here also). The second one is “I’ll Show You The Attic”, with that lovely vocoder on the background and also kinda like with everything, that was mentioned about – if you would like to summarize the whole EP in one track – that will be this one.

This limited series from BinarySound already made the buzz with the previous releases, this one shouldn’t be different, so hurry up on Deejay, Decks, or Phonica to pre-order your copy.

More information about Swin
Instagram RA Soundcloud | BandcampDiscogs

More information about BinarySound
Instagram FacebookRASoundcloud | BandcampDiscogs | Youtube

This article was written in Ukraine. Ukraine is in the middle of the war with Russia right now. It would be great if you could donate to the biggest Ukrainian volunteer fund here. You can also pick any music initiative that is also trying to help from our list here. We’ll be stronger together.

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