Free Download: Mischa Blanos – Monocle [TFD063]

The melodic mastermind behind Amorf’s deep dive bangers, Mischa Blanos straddles a fine line between club banger and introspective musical works of art. His classically trained fingers and head for live electronics means the Romanian artist has the best of both world skills. Having recently hooked up with minimal instigator Melchior Productions during the awe inspiring live double act at the latter’s My King Is Light event at Club der Visionaere his live skills are second to none.

As well as being the musical backbone of Amorf, Mischa is a solo artist in his own right and that is laid bare on his offering to our free track series. ‘Monocle’ is an uplifting yet utterly driving piece of minimal techno that thumps and rattles in all the right places. Constantly underpinned by an ever evolving and blooming synth line the track effortlessly ebbs and flows. Even having a slight semblance of what Mischa does when playing live will give you all the context required to understand the sheer energy and technical ability pouring out of this track.

More info on Mischa Blanos
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