Premiere: B2 – Venetia – Shangri-La Disco [SN003]

Sweet Notes, the label from These Tasty Records orbit, is returning to our premieres section after we missed their second one. This time, they’re welcoming Venetia to their roster.

We’re going straight to the end of the record, picking that B2, “Shangri-La Disco”. A moderately slow roller with a very slow start. But wait to its second part – every minute here adds something new – but all those layers are working delicately, without exaggerating.

And we have a few more interesting tracks here, starting with “Camel” – a stripped-down banger, that, probably, with its deep basslines should work perfectly on the big venues. “Jet”, with its melancholic start turns into a nice acid gem. And, finally, “The Mind”, with its kick straight from the mid-00s and those arpeggios inside, mmm! (add vocoder here also!)

The record is already waiting for you in almost every good record store. Juno, Deejay, Decks – just pick one.

More information about Venetia
InstagramRASoundcloud | Bandcamp

More information about Sweet Notes
Instagram | Soundcloud | Discogs

This article was written in Ukraine. Ukraine is in the middle of the war with Russia right now. It would be great if you could donate to the biggest Ukrainian volunteer fund here. You can also pick any music initiative that is also trying to help from our list here. We’ll be stronger together.

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