Toi Toi Musik turns ten with European tour dates

Since Isis Salvaterra first began on her journey 10 years ago she has taken her Toi Toi Musik agency and originally warehouse based events far and wide. From the gritty disused commercial spaces of East London to New York and most en vogue dancefloors in between. Toi Toi Musik now plots out a return to the same spot 10 years later to where it all started.

Before all that can happen, the London brand has more than a few tour dates to roll out and they will be taking place at some of Europe’s clubbing hotspots. Starting off in Romania with 2 dates first is the infamous and sadly soon to be demised Club Guesthouse on Friday, February 21st. For such an auspicious occasion, it is only fitting that they will present a very special line-up and that will include Alex Troubetzkoy, Dubtil b2b Dan Andrei, Sammy Dee, and Vincent Lemieux.

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Staying in Romania Toi Toi will be heading to Brasov for a date at Vissual where they will be maintaining the trend of top-flight artist programming. Retaining the skills of Perlon curator Sammy Dee, Alex Troubetzkoy and Dan Andrei they will add the local prowess of Brad to the mix where the combined efforts will amount to a serious party worthy of the Toi Toi branding.

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Taking a bit of time off to take stock, regroup and refuel after a grueling but highly rewarding weekend in Romania Toi Toi Musik make their way to Lisbon where they will be taking charge of a warehouse for the night/morning. Taking place on Saturday, March 28ththere is little details at this point but you don’t even have to ask what the music will be like and of course, the sound will be on point. 10 years in the game teaches you a thing or two about how to put on a party.

Event | Tickets TBA

Shifting months and gears arguably one of the dates of the tour sees the team back on home soil and rolling up to one of the best venues in Europe – FOLD. With a venue like FOLD a matching line-up is required too and that is exactly what they have in
, Edward, Junki Inoue,
Rhadoo and
Vlada. This party on Sunday, April 12th will run for a cool 14 hours and as you can see the artists involved will ensure the music will be insane from start to finish.

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It would be rude to end the party there especially when it Easter Bank Holiday so when the beats drop out at FOLD all signs point to The Lion and Lamb pub where the party will continue well into the night. The all-day Easter party on Monday, April 13th as of yet has no artists announced but there is little doubt that it won’t be something special.

Event | Tickets TBA

To roundup the first section of the Toi Toi Musik 10-year anniversary tour the London based crew find themselves right back where they started – Barcelona. Their annual pilgrimage to Barcelona for OFF Week has a special place in the hearts of everybody linked to Toi Toi Musik so you can bet your life on this being a special party on Friday, June 19th and no mistake. Make sure you keep your eyes glued to these pages for news of the line-up coming soon.

Event | Tickets TBA

More info on Toi Toi Musik
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