Premiere: A1 – JOSS – Jazz With You [ARR042]

Ukrainian artist JOSS has been a serious roll with his Artreform label lately and with his last few releases. His last few EP’s have come from Sapurra, Roy Brizman & Guy and the main man himself and with remix coming from hotshots such as Franco Cinelli and Priku we get a feel that his label is going to go from strength to strength.

For his latest 12” JOSS has hooked up with fellow Ukrainian artist Alex Pervuhkin for the ‘Jazz With You’ split EP that features original tracks from each artist and a trading of remixes on each tracks from each artist. The result is a fantastic melding of the two’s contrasting styles and the results are very interesting and impressive.

We begin with JOSS’s original and title track ‘Jazz With You’ and JOSS is in his trademark rolling, upbeat mode. Leading out with a bobbing bassline that is soon joined by a filtering pad stab. The rising string certainly adds the right amounts of drama and intensity to the track and helps to wind the track up and down in time with the various drops and breaks littered throughout the track. With JOSS being a regular on the blooming Ukrainian scene he is best placed to form these weapons.

Pervuhkin takes a much darker direction with his reworking of ‘Jazz With You’ and this flexes his stripped back warehouse sound. Swapping positive upbeat basslines and synths for pitched down vocals, dark synth and hollow block percussion Pervuhkin turns in a monstrous remix.

Flipping over and it is the turn of Pervuhkin to take control of the EP for his original ‘Zolochiv Untitled’ and he steps much closer to the tread of the label and JOSS. Bounding basslines and perhaps a sunnier outlook there is more breakbeats which is definitely a regularly feature in his tracks. To close the EP label head JOSS is passed the hot seat. His bumping approach is fits nicely with the already established elements from the original and it is clear that these two artists have a special symbiosis at play and we can’t wait to see what comes next from this pair.

The split ‘Jazz With You’ EP is now available to pre-order via

More info on Joss
Facebook | Soundcloud

More information on Alex Pervukhin
Facebook Resident Advisor | Soundcloud | Bandcamp | Discogs

More info on Artreform Records
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