Several changes underway for KMA60, Chat Noir distribution and Kuroneko Media Group

Berlin based label, record store and distribution arm KMA60 is since inception in 2015 has become a one stop shop for some of the most discerning music in the underground community. Providing an ample collection of new and used records in the minimal, house and techno sphere founders Dana Ruh and Jamie Fry have always strived to present only the finest music and in the best conditions possible. This has meant a community based hub that welcomes new comers as well as touring dignitaries alike to dig through their racks. Their on-point vinyl offerings backed up by the impressive DJ booth that commands attention and also that regularly plays host to instore sessions from some of the biggest names in the industry.

With KMA60 always one to move and evolve, the distribution arm has now been bought by French company Kuroneko Media Group where they will be replacing Chat Noir as their main distribution. This will consolidate both distributions under the Kuroneko banner. This means that Dana’s physical Neukölln store will now change tact by relaunching as 60Waves. This will mean them retaining the music store in its original form. This new brand will produce the exact same vinyl experience that was previously found in KMA60 but them not legally linked to the distribution. As a result, there will be a combined stable of the KMA60 and Chat Noir labels all offered under one roof. That is a lot of top shelf music.

The Chat Noir brand will now be the operating name for its in-house labels such as Griffé, Chat Noir Tools, Chat Noir Rec. and their events in Paris. The Chat Noir events arm, having recently celebrated their fifth birthday are on a massive roll and this combining of forces will only strengthen their respective positions. We wish all involved a long and exciting partnership that we are sure will benefit the world of underground music.

More info on 60waves
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More info on KMA60
Facebook | Resident Advisor | Instagram | Discogs

More info on Chat Noir
Facebook | Resident Advisor | Soundcloud | Instagram | Discogs

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