You know, when Bruno Schmidt is announcing something at his own Domesticated label, you better listen carefully. When I saw the “Ghetto” tag on Discogs in front of this release, my curiosity went skyrocketing – you know that Bruno is a hell of a digger, but I’ve never seen him going into that category. And even though we’re having a not-so-ghetto track today, we’ll be talking about that one too.
What we’re having today is the opening track from this release, made by the duo named sshadess. The name won’t probably tell you anything until you go and dig for some information about the people behind it. They are Bruno himself and a guy called Pablo Arrangoiz. The man was in a dozen of projects and groups, the most important of them all is probably La Decima Vittima (remember that “Epidemia” belter from 2021? That was him). And this ‘Discoteka’ joint, to be honest, reminds me of that one a bit. Again we’re having some catchy repetitive phrases – this time “disco-discoteka” instead of “e-pi-demia”. The bubbling background gives us a very nice bass base and the percussive elements here are keeping our interest alive all those six minutes.
The release is VA, so we’re having some more names here. The A2 position is under The Coomers and a very nice melancholic roller ‘Miso Soup’. Again – don’t sleep on the background of the track and try to listen to those whispers carefully. Will keep you entertained. One more name – Girlcop is responsible for ‘Frankie Carbonara’ at the B1. Here we have a higher tempo and percussive mayhem on top of the track (with some voicing in the back, again!). And – finally – that “ghetto” piece, called ‘Give Up’ – a collaboration between Emsho Shoshe and Mat Fink – if you like it, you like it. Definitely my type of sound, would be perfect in some juke/jit set if you’re going to speed it up just a little bit.
Domesticated is not really a label, that lives on the store shelves for a long time, so you better be quick with your purchase on after the presales will pop up wherever you’re buying your wax.
More information on Bruno Schmidt
Facebook | Resident Advisor | Soundcloud | Instagram | Discogs
More information on Pablo Arrangoiz
Facebook | Resident Advisor | Soundcloud | Bandcamp | Instagram | Discogs
More information about Domesticated
Resident Advisor | Discogs
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