Trommel.101 – Mandar (Lazare Hoche & Malin Genie & S. A. M.)

Starting our second century of podcasts the way we finished the first we have something rather special in store for you. For the 101st edition of our mix series, we welcome none other than the nu school house trio of Mandar.

Singularly the triple threat of S.A.M., Malin Génie, and Lazare Hoche has delivered a truly diverse take on house across their own labels and countless others. Collectively the story is even more impressive as they produced one of the standout tracks of 2018 in ‘String Theory’ which came via their own label Oscillat Music. The output from this fine group of artists as Mandar is few and far between but what does come out via the Mandar moniker is always on point and always worth the wait.

The same can be said about their podcasts, so the fact we have them for our next instalment is something to write home about…

More info on Mandar
Facebook | Resident Advisor | Soundcloud | Discogs

More info on Malin Genie
Resident Advisor | Soundcloud | Discogs

More info on S.A.M.
Facebook | Resident AdvisorSoundcloud | Discogs

More info on Lazare Hoche
Facebook | Resident AdvisorSoundcloud | Discogs

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