The dates for the spring edition of Sunwaves have been changed

There has been no shortage of bad news regarding the world’s electronic music industry falling foul of the recent and continued outbreak of COVID-19. The situation has now deepened further with the leading bi-yearly event of the season Sunwaves forced to move dates, an optimistic move that hopefully will allow them not to cancel one of the most beloved European festival.

With Sunrise Events already canceling their SNRS24 event in London & SNRS48 in Bucharest, the Romanian minimal kingpins have taken hard the decision to postpone their spring gathering, which was due to run between 30th April and 6th May 6th, to new dates: 25th – 30th June 2020, hoping that this whole virus situation will be finally over.

With the cancellation of events featuring a capacity of larger than 1,000 and in some cases 500 becoming the norm around the world until the outbreak has passed it is a sound decision that we are sure is not an easy one but a responsible one to safeguard the masses.

Below full statement from the team:

Hello friends,

We’ve been working a lot in the past days to find the best solution for the 27th edition of Sunwaves to happen and we’ve got some adjustments to do.

Because we are facing an unprecedentedly situation, Sunwaves Festival will change its date from late April for 25-30th of June, keeping an optimistic side that by then we’ll overcome this challenge.

Many of the previously confirmed artists will be present for the June edition and we’ll officially post the update in the following week on Sunwaves page. On this wise, we want to thank the artists for teaming up with us, the local support and to you for your patience and for the kind messages.

Ultimately, we want to give you several options regarding your already purchased tickets:
– You can use the ticket for the SW27 (25-30th of June) or SW28 happening in early September, starting on 3.09 until 8.09;
– If this new set date is not valid for you- get a full refund. This process may take a while due to many requests our ticket provider has. You must request a refund until 15th of May. Feel free to message us with any questions you may have here:;
– Choose to make a difference because you actually can. We gathered some information on how can we actively help during these times. We have a list of NGO’s waiting to be sorted. By filling this form you will agree to send your ticket fee to medical equipment and needs. We will keep you up to date regarding this action. All donations must be registered until 1st of May;
– Nonetheless, our dance music community is facing hardship in supporting now a frozen industry and you can always help by skipping the refund as a donation.

You can point your choice by filling this form below:

See you soon!

 Sunwaves team 

More info on Sunwaves
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