Brave! Factory Festival by Closer explores new locations for its 2024 edition

The 2024 installment of Brave! Factory Festival by Closer crew will be held on August 24-25 in Kyiv. For the second year in a row, the festival is changing its traditional in 2017-2021 from the location of Metrobud factory to a new one. This year, the event will be held at the iconic Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Film Studio.

It will include five venues: Depo, Avtotzeh, Pavilion, the Auditoria concert stage, and a location that does not yet have a name (should be revealed a few days before the actual gathering). Several large installations, a space for recreation, a food court, etc. are also planned, as usual.

The biggest foreign guests of the festival are Reade Truth (USA), Heith and VSK (Italy), Mari.te (Venezuela-Spain), PRZ, and Spencer Parker (Germany).

“Our location is the territory of the Kyiv Film Factory. The place where films were shot since 1927. That’s why we decided to hold the festival in the form of one large film set, and the announcements were made in the form of movie teasers (some refer to Dovzhenko’s film “Earth”). We hope that the festival will be a great adventure youth musical comedy.”

The issue of security in Ukraine in 2024 was also not overlooked: festival guests will have at least 2 and a maximum of 4 bomb shelters at their disposal.

There are still some tickets available, also you can check our reviews from the 2021 and 2023 editions of the festival.

The full poster of the festival is below and the full line-up is next (highlights were made by Trommel):

Aestetik Combination (live)
Aku Aku & On Vogue
Alex Savage
Bitlo (live)
Bogdan Zaiets & Elijah (live)
Crem & Serhii Matiushenko
Figurat (live)
Haathi b2b Nota Yanvarska
Heith (live)
Human Margareeta
Hyphen Dash (live)
Igor Glushko
Klimbeats (live)
Lucas Bird (live)
Ma-Gooch (live)
Mara Angmas
Mortal Person & detunesaw (live)
Potreba Group (live – score) Resonance of Time
PRZ (live)
Pymin (live)
Radiant Futur (live)
Recid & Roman K
Reade Truth
Rustam & Domnitsa
Seba Korecky (live)
Ship Her Son (live)
Spencer Parker
Stars and Mellow (live)
Stas Koroliov (live)
Ujif_notfound (live)
Vera Logdanidi
VSK (live)
Yana Ponura

More information on Closer
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Resident Advisor | Soundcloud | Telegram

More information on Brave! Factory Festival
Facebook | Resident Advisor | Instagram | Telegram

This piece was written in Ukraine. Ukraine is in the middle of the war with Russia right now. Would be great if you could donate to the biggest Ukrainian volunteer fund here. Also, you can pick any music initiative, that is also trying to help from our list here. We’ll be stronger together.

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