Premiere: B1 – Torrent – Stay In The Loop [GRFFS001]

Griffé is kicking off their new split series with a bang, dividing each release between two artists. We have Torrent from Barcelona (our featured premiere) and Mama from Milan this time.

“Stay In The Loop” by Torrent is a groovy piece with an almost sinister vibe and a powerful bassline, making it a perfect addition to any DJ’s toolkit. On top of that, the delicate vocal snippets sprinkled here and there add a touch of perfection.

Torrent also brings us “Ex Machina,” which closes out the record. It starts off slow and evolves into a smooth broken roller. It might not be my favorite style, but it could be right up your alley.

On Mama’s side, “Electric Pjack” delivers a spooky vibe reminiscent of the bleep era. “Cyber Pjack” cranks up the spookiness even more while also packing a bigger groove. If I had to pick, I’m definitely on team “Cyber Pjack.”

Griffé has already announced the next EP after this split, which means the release date is just around the corner. Head over to Bandcamp, Deejay, or Decks and grab your copy while you can.

More information about Torrent
InstagramResident Advisor | Soundcloud

More information about Griffé
InstagramFacebook | Bandcamp Discogs

This article was written in Ukraine. Ukraine is in the middle of the war with Russia right now. Would be great if you could donate to the biggest Ukrainian volunteer fund here. Also, you can pick any music initiative, that is also trying to help from our list here. We’ll be stronger together.

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