Barcelona club INPUT load up their first Spring sessions of 2024

After a cracking first quarter packed full of big room rave action, Barcelona institution INPUT have an almighty run of parties coming up starting this weekend. The Spring sessions at INPUT have always struck a serious chord with the local scene and international club hoppers as the programming straddles many shades of the underground. 

This intensive four event run begins on Thursday, March 28th with one of the underground’s biggest heroes Binh as his Time Passages imprint will be turning the lofty age of 10. For a decade Binh’s pitch black electro club slayers have been tearing apart dancefloors and bending minds into all sorts of shapes. Binh himself has become an integral part of the electro scene and his selections are a must catch occasion at the likes of Dimensions, Houghton, and Dekmantel to name just a handful. To ensure that the occasion hits the right notes, and it will hit hard, he has invited the legendary French artist The Hacker. HAving been active since the late 80’s The Hacker’s touch on electronic music can be felt in almost all genres that require a kickdrum. Completing the line up is OMAR (UY), an artist that is influencing the next generation of artists with his deep dive vinyl only sets into the fathoms of house and techno.

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Next to take command of one of Barcelona’s biggest dance floor on Sunday, March 31st is returning favorite Janaret and his Curates event series. With the last edition still being talked about around the city where he invited none other than Sonja Moonear to the elevated stage where the awaiting dancers were not disappointed as they were treated to a masterclass in crowd control and vibe delivery. This time around the line up will be equally as simple as it features just Janeret and his chosen booth partner for the night and there will be a decidedly French taste to the party where D’Julz will be the honorable guest. The Bass Culture boss is well known for his extensive record collection and the musical knowledge that goes along with it.

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INPUT’s in house vinyl only adventure Just Waxx has featured many exponents of the turntables but few hold the credentials that Sven Vath commands. Having been intrinsically tied to the medium ever since he started performing there is just nobody more suited to this concept than Papa Sven. There really is little that needs to be said about this event other than it is utterly essential to catch a master craftsman such as Sven Vath in a venue as powerful as INPUT. Having positively lit up INPUT at last years seventh birthday celebrations we edge ever closer to summer on Friday, April 5th and this will see Sven’s Year of the Dragon World Tour stop off at INPUT. Support will come via inhouse magician Hitch.

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The very next night a modern day hero of a different variety will be in town to shake things up. Saturday, APril 6th will see the return of GET TRAUM and that means Traumer will be on the decks once again. Having beared witness to the showstopping power of the B2B from Traumer and fellow Frenchman Shonky. This in attendance at our stage at Summer of Love way back when will affirm that this extended set is not to be missed. While a large part of the night will be dedicated to these two peak time masters there will also be an essential floor warming period conducted by INPUT’s very own Alex.

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More info on INPUT High Fidelity Dance Club
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