Premiere: A2 – Alec Falconer – One For Codi [TISH01]

At least two great things just happened in the life of Alec Falconer. He got married and also had the first solo release in three years on his own Ba Dum Tish label (a new one). And, believe it or not, today’s track is connected directly to both these things.

No, we’re not crazy, it’s just “One For Codi” being dedicated to his then-fiancee and now wife Codi. Remembering the track, which was dedicated to Roma Khropko’s girlfriend and now this one, must say that these are always pure gold. Even more – this one jumps into top-3 my fav productions of Alec from the start. Already supported by Hamish & Toby, it’s just a definition of a lovely housey garage tune. With those key changes inside and that totally summer atmosphere inside, I think, it will have its time during these months.

And that’s just one of the four! My second fav here, “Twenty Three But Written As Numbers” steps hard into the UKG zone with all those bubbling and the enormous peak drop at the third minute. “Ok Thursday” turns everything into a hard and sweaty garage rave (can’t be without champagne, as you know, so prepare yourself in advance, please). “No Turn Unstoned” is probably the best last track in your set before the headliner. Another lovely garage piece.

Damn, this one is just a 3-years-worth-of-waiting-good. You can have it from yoyaku or Deejay already. But if you’ll order it from their Bandcamp page, you’ll have a cute patch as a gift. So you better think twice here, there are only handful of those.

More information about Alec Falconer
Trommel | InstagramFacebook | RA | Soundcloud | Discogs

More information about Ba Dum Tish
InstagramFacebook | RA | Soundcloud | Bandcamp | Discogs

This article was written in Ukraine. Ukraine is in the middle of the war with Russia right now. Would be great if you could donate to the biggest Ukrainian volunteer fund here. Also, you can pick any music initiative, that is also trying to help from our list here. We’ll be stronger together.

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