Trommel.200 – Mathew Jonson (live)

What better way to celebrate our podcast series turning 200 than with a stonewall originator of our community. The man, the myth, the legend that is Mathew Jonson has, for a long time been central to many facets of the underground that we all call home. It is hard to know where to begin discussing his accomplishments and the influences that he has bestowed upon electronic music in general. Where better to beam this live recording than Club der Visionaere.

From the brilliance of his solo work, to his Freedom Engine alias, and of course his involvement in collectives such as The Modern Deep Left Quartet and Cobblestone Jazz, few artists lay claim to the genius of this unassuming artist. We refuse to rattle off his achievements, not because we don’t want to, because there are simply not enough words in the English dictionary to quantify his skill.

As very few people in the world of electronic music can, his sound is unmistakably him from the first seconds of his recording. A sound drenched in acid, but with a humility that just cannot be imitated. Being able to squeeze every last drop of character from his machines leaves us slack jawed every single time he performs. We won’t wax lyrical about this podcast any further, we will just let you enjoy the magic from CDV without any further fanfare.

More info on Mathew Jonson
Instagram | Facebook | Soundcloud | Bandcamp | Discogs

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