Free Download: Smooth Operators (Massaï & Lamalice) – L.O.E [TFD078]

French artists Massaï and Lamalice’s joint project Smooth Operator has been bubbling under for some time now with previous outings on Anthea’s Partisan imprint their studio credentials speak for themselves. Singularly, the pair have been quite influential in the direction of the French electro scene with their involvement in Sentaku servicing pretty much all of the clubs and festivals in France and beyond a slice of their symbiotic energy. If their Partisan outing is anything to go by there are big things on the horizon for the pair under the Smooth Operator moniker.

The pair are of course very well known in the solo mode, but moving into joint territory there are obvious common ground in their sound as can be witnessed on their excellent offering to our Free Download series. We are not sure what “L.O.E” stands for, but the bump bassline that propels their track is certainly low on the Hertz scale. The sheer power wielded by this track is impressive, with the pushy groove almost threatening to over take the ear, there is a real sense that this track is leading to something even more sinister. This is a good thing, believe us. Just make sure you are prepared for what comes next from Smooth Operators.

More info on Massaï
Instagram | Facebook | RA | Soundcloud

More info on Lamalice
Instagram | Facebook | RA | Soundcloud | Discogs

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