Lisbon based agency Picture Perfect ready a showcase at Mīrārī

With the Lisbon scene becoming one of the strongest in Europe, underground stars from all over the world make their way to the Portuguese haven. While visiting headliners is great, it is the local home based artists that invariably keep the scene evolving and developing. It is outfits such as Picture Perfect Agency that recognise the value and artistry of such artists and help to nurture these talents.

As well as providing logistical support to the many artists that populate their roster, Picture Perfect also provides regular showcases for their artists. To coincide with roster member Ben Vedren and his release on minimal royalty Thomas Melchior’s My King Is Light imprint, the pair were the main guests at the recent showcase at Mīrārī and the event also featured Luisa and agency co-founder Mikolai.

With this being the first of a series of showcases from Picture Perfect we now have the full details on their next agency event that will again take place at the simply stunning location of Mīrārī on Saturday, June 15th. For such an event, a suitably stunning lineup of artists is required. Taking pride of place is a live set from Remi Mazet, an artist that is quickly becoming in high demand and is in the process of dropping a bomb release on London’s Pleasureclub as well as a raft of appearances that includes a return to Houghton Festival.

Joining him will be DJ sets from agency artists John Thomas and Barbara Goes and as well as the pair featuring on the books of Picture Perfect they also run label Ginga Music. Completing the lineup will be Amor Records founder Thiago Guiselini. With this event being a late afternoon start it will be the perfect opportunity to enjoy the last of the day’s rays at one of Lisbon’s finest indoor / outdoor venues.

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