For its first installment of 2020, Silat Beksi’s kingdom – Modeight Records decided to add the Sarajevo-based artist Zlatnichi into their roster of talents. With his previous appearances on Aludia Music, Black Magic Groove and Basswalk Records (to mention a few) and such a great start of this almost canceled music year (also wait for his forthcoming debut on Baile Musik!), we will be able to see a man with a lot of potential on the minimal scene after it comes back to its normal existence after the hiatus.
Straight 4-tracker, almost totally devoted to 4/4 grooves and rhythms – on this EP we don’t hear almost anything that could lead us into the broken side of the modern minimal sound. Instead, we all can just relax and enjoy all of that stripped-down vibe that, actually, is not presented these days in the same amount as it used to be.
A potential favorite amongst the DJs – the quiet and crispy A1 track “Baobabakka” that could be played at any point of the set, with its flat structure and tremendous grooves, leads us into the second half of the A-side “Suhmas A Toman”, more energetic pace with weird and trippy voice samples before that cosmic drop inside. The B-side starts with a strong “Alien Zizou 98”, with its rhythmic recitative and again – stripped-down trippy vibe. Piano freestyle on the last one here – “Abbie Pide” can remind you a bit of Sweely’s “Take One” from last year, but, again – with a much calmer atmosphere inside.
The main thing now – is just to wait for its release date and hope it won’t fall under the pandemic of rescheduling – the target date is 10.04 (for now). Make your reservations on time!
More info on Zlatnichi
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More info on Modeight Records
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